As time seems not to want to slow down I am hurtling quickly to the end of August. I've come millions of miles since my last entry and feel somewhat guilt ridden about not keeping in touch with billions of readers. (Yeah, I almost wrote that with a straight face.) Thankfully this month has been nice and has been making great strides towards keeping the summer from being a complete bust. I'm loving the weather, it has been in the mid twenties with a humidity which is beyond tolerable. So yay us.
The big trauma in my life has been my computer...gulp. My hard drive bit the big one and went to the big hard drive dump in the sky, taking with it all my information. It was enough to put me over the edge and weep quietly in the corner. I've had an offer from my most favouritest people to see if they can retrieve some of the information for me. I jumped on that offer like a flea going from a twig to a dog's leg! Now every time I even walk by something vaguely wood-like I knock on it. I have also been promising the god of little creatures that I will be much more faithful in backing up my information. I may also send him/her/it a sacrifice in the wind.
Well time has caught up with me tonight and I must bid adeau.