Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Last Week of 2013

Well the year is coughing out its final breaths and 2013 is almost over.  This year has been relatively quiet, but a little busier off the ranch than on.  Renovation Central has come to a hop, skip, and a stop.  We continue forward when we get some money now and again.  Most of the main floor is done, the basement is still in its 1970's glory and is in dire need of some deconstruction.  But this too shall happen...eventually.  The deck still isn't, although we did add a smallish deck down by the lake.  Mostly so when we go and sit there with a rum and pepsi in hand we don't tip over and fall down into the lake.  Although small, at least it is a beginning and we kind of, sorta know where the gas shack and dock will eventually live.

The Wookie Cave is done.  All that is required is for the final coat of paint and a little thing called heat.  We have been kicking about different possibilities, and I think we finally know what we will do.  Once that is done I can move ALL of my stuff out there and start doing some serious painting...and writing.  The Hubby is champing at the bit for me to get all my crap off the dining room table and out of the house.  Neither of us has actually eaten a meal there in weeks...perhaps months.

The weather this year has been...wettttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt...and wet some more.  I am hoping for a tad bit more dryness next year. 

Oh internet keeping kicking in and out so I will finish this when I have a better connection.....