Sunday, January 4, 2015


I'm really not sure what comes over me at the end of the year and into the holiday season.  It's as if I just give up.  This year I didn't even bother to put up a tree, let alone one single decoration.  I didn't bake treats, I didn't wrap presents, I didn't even feel slightly in the mood.  And before you think that I'm all Scroogy or Grinchy, I don't really think I am.  I just start to feel overwhelmed.  I don't know why.  It may have something to do with the fact that I think most of it is just a manufactured holiday and the only real reason for it is so that companies can make more and more money. 

The weird thing is that I used to LOVE Christmas with all of its trappings.  I was lucky enough to have parents who went full tilt into all the festivities and they made it a very special time of the year for us kids.  Perhaps the fact that I am no longer a kid and no longer have kid-like children is one of the reasons I can't seem to get into the season.  But whatever the reason, every year (unless strong-armed by outside forces) I hunker down and go into a bit of a funk. 

At least this year instead of totally checking out and spending 90% of my free time watching movies I managed to get motivated by my painting.  I finished a few pictures and a couple of them turned out not too bad.  The bad thing about that though is that I then totally neglect my writing and can't be bothered to even turn my computer on.  Usually the most motivation I can dredge up is to waste a few minutes on the iPad scrolling through Facebook and catching up on a couple of Scrabble games.  Oh well...such is the problems of the First World. 

But here we are on the up side of it and at least I can look forward to longer days and less bull.  So Happy New Year one and all!  :)


  1. Sorry to hear that you have this Holiday *thing*. I think we managed a good balance with having a couple of nice big social evenings and then a fair amount of down time just chilling out. Even so we still kind of make a big deal of Christmas but focus it down to a few weeks starting just barely before Christmas If at all possible. God how I despise people who are putting up the decorations and lights in November...way to suck the life out of special occasions by dragging them on for months. K's official Holiday season goes until that there 'little Christmas' in a couple of days and then we're done.

  2. It sounds like you guys have the right idea. Being social helps. I need to figure out how to do that again. I used to be able to pull it off. Dang this antisocial streak. I blame it on the matriarch. (I too think putting up a tree and decorations in November should incur some type of corporal punishment.)
