Thursday, March 8, 2012

Just A Quickie

Get your minds out of the gutter "trollers for porn" this is not a, Quickie, like you were looking for this is a quick update to a blog which has been neglected for the past few days.  Oh baby, yes, yes, right there....ooooh.  That is soooo good.  Was that good for you?  Now you can go back to whatever creepy, icky stuff it was that you were looking for. 

In the meantime, the boring facts of life.  Today was a beautiful, warm spring day.  The sun she was a shining, the birds they were a singing, and the snow it was a melting.  All very welcome in my world.  Although when we took the small car into the big city it was a tiny bit hairy getting from Kitpu Estates out to the highway.  The road into our part of the world kinda, sorta sucks.  Most especially at this time of the year.  It is soft and very muddy when things start to melt.  Today was no exception.  But luckily we made it out just a little more covered in mud than normal and went to visit the doctor.  Neither of us are big "going to the doctor" people and consequently feel quite put upon when we have to do it.  I had to go for a follow up to make sure that things were as they should be (they weren't) and the hubby went for his yearly physical (it turns out that he does have physical presence). 

The ride back out to the estates was equally as hairy, but once again, the little car that could, made it with only a few extra pounds of mud.  Good car!  Luckily we thought to get supplies while in the big city so we should be able to hunker down here for awhile until things dry up a bit.  Apparently that isn't going to be for awhile because the weather, Gloom Team, is calling for rain.  Knowing the record of the weather nimrods chances are that it could just as easily be sunny and dry for the next week as wet.  Only time will tell.

When we returned we were greeted with the happiest of happy creatures.  The hell hound was beyond thrilled and let us know only as a dog can.  The cat, well she was even more excited.  Strange.  I thought cats were supposed to be all "you guys suck, don't touch me" but this one was practically doing cartwheels when we got home.  She charged around the house like one, or both, of us was the Great Cat Juju come to take her to the land of perpetual yogurt or something.  Oh the love. 


  1. Zilla's Other HalfMarch 9, 2012 at 11:20 AM

    One drive on our road at this time of year and you can't read the license plate. Not all cats are stuck up about you leaving them behind, ours tend to generally be quite happy about our return (if not somewhat indignant that the leaving hadn't been negotiated beforehand). And I hope all is ok doc.-wise.

    1. Hey tonight I was making a salad and dropped a piece of tomato on the ground, the cat hoovered it up like there was no tomorrow so I gave her another piece just to see if it was a fluke, she chawed that down just as quickly. Is that normal? Do cats eat tomatos?

  2. Been lurking because I could but will say that I enjoy your site so much. We live in Western MA and mostly on paved roads but in the ag lands setting, hadley loam soil, best anywhere for ag farming. We get that spring thaw aroma from the Hadley dairy farms. Beats all hell out of the Cr**ankee candle factory just down the road.

    1. Hi Laur, you are more than welcome. Ewww, the smell of dairy farms in the spring. I can't say I've ever smelled a candle factory, is it all chemicals? To me spring was always the smell of dog poop and old leaves. But even though sometimes the smell was a bit much I used to LOVE, love, love running outside in the spring. Especially after I started running the treadmill in the winter, I hate running the treadmill with a passion, so spring always meant I could go outside and enjoy the trails. What does MA stand for? Montana? Maine? I guess I can Google it.
